F&I Software for the Marine, Motorcycle & RV Dealerships
...You had all the tools to effortlessly complete a deal from start to finish without the need to manually Calculate Payments, Credit Life or Disability Insurances while eliminating the monotony of keying and re-keying Bank Contracts, State Forms, Insurance Certs, Warranties, etc... The F&I Administrator is able to provide you with this and much, much more.....
Call for a Free Trial
- What-You-See-Is-
What-You-Get Forms
- View the actual forms right on your screen with the data filled in just as it will appear printed
- Ability to override any form data simply by typing directly into forms
- Ready-to-go common forms
- Handles All Your Calculations
- Credit Life/A&H
- Net Truncated, Gross, Gross Truncated
- Balloon Notes
- Payment Calculator when you need to calculate a quick payment.
- Search Your Inventory then drag & drop into your deal. With one mouse click, your deal is nearly complete. Just add your APR & Term and you're ready to go.
- Quick query tool for easy adhoc reporting
- Multi-User Versions Available
- Custom Tailoring to fit your specific requirements.
Prepares forms automatically...
Enter the data one time and produce Bank Contracts, State Paperwork,
Warranties, Insurance Certs, and even Purchase Agreements.....
Automatically Re-Calculates the deal as you type.
Simply Enter Buyer/Co Buyer Info.
Enter Trade's here.
Enter your unit info here or simply drag & drop
from your current stock.
Enter any Insurance Info.
Provides a quick recap sheet of the current deal.
Call For a Free Trial
![ADI - Advanced Design & Integration [ADI Logo]](fis-logo-sml.gif)
Advanced Design & Integration, Inc... Troy MI 48085...
Phone: (248) 689-1830... Fax: (248) 689-4788...
Email: sales@adi-usa.net